Monday, 16 November 2009

An Historic Fable – Foot(in mouth)note

On June 1st we published the strange fable of how the Grand Vizier Bludge became Emperor.

History is not kind to politicians, nor are facts (which we guess is why they try so hard to avoid, suppress or conceal them) –

Both before and since becoming Emperor, Bludge had made no secret of his admiration for his own Viziering skills and expertise. His acolytes chirruped their chorus of agreement - "No man alive was so expert, knowledgeable or had such wonderful judgement as the Great Bludge". Lo, He had trudged long and lonely through the E Kono mists’ dismal swamps. Lo, He had mastered the E Kono magic of speaking at great length and redefining all words to his own secret meanings. Behold, much did He say, and little did others understand. Fearsome was His mockery of anyone’s inability to grasp what He had made incomprehensible.

What a Legend in His Lifetime!

When he was Grand Vizier, the Great Bludge had made the decision to convert 395 tonnes of the Empire reserves of gold "to capture more Water to spread the Emperor’s Benefice" (i.e. to suborn the loyalty of the Emperor Blarr’s Court). “It is a prudent and wise decision, it is the right thing to do” he trumpeted, banging his mighty fist.

Inconvenient Fact

When Bludge made the decision, the price of gold was $8,841,278 per tonne. 10 years later, when the Water had been squandered, dissipated and evaporated, and the land laid waste by de-hyd-ration, the price of gold is $435,365,770. So not only had the Water been lost, but also $10,477,174,340 of reserves – that is $10.5 billion!

A Legend in His Lifetime?

It was not a wise decision, it was not prudent and it was the wrong thing to do.

So, more questions for you in these difficult times.

  • Are you really thinking clearly?
  • Can you see your way past the misleading miasma of Bludged up thinking that permeates, complicates, delays and dilutes the interface between business and government?
  • Have you really thought hard about how you want your business world to be, and how your company will need to be within it, when the new administration comes?
  • Can you spell out what you want the new government to bring to you and your organisation so that you can make sure you get it?
  • Don't forget that to wait will be to be too late. Do it to them before they do it to you!

Can the Comparative Competitive Strength point of view assist you to achieve the clarity of purpose and the incisiveness of argument that is needed, now more than ever?

You want to know more? We are here.

"You're having a laugh ... seriously" is brought to you by Steve Goodman and Tony Ericson. It is one of our "Excellence Quartet" of blogs promoting the cause of Excellence as the key to prosperity. Each blog uses a recent business/financial topic to highlight different perspectives and conclusions from those obtained using conventional thinking and techniques. You can read the other three blogs at "Exceeding Expectations" ,Business Bloop of the Month Award", "Capitalism or ... Common Sense" .

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